Hankook Tire Thanks Clarksville Residents, Leaders for Productive 2017
2018. 01. 10
Hankook Tire Thanks Clarksville Residents, Leaders for Productive 2017
Written by Il Hwan Jeon, President, Hankook Tire Tennessee Plant
When Hankook Tire chose Clarksville as the site of its first North American production plant in 2013, we knew it would take many long years of hard work to successfully open the facility. Still, we believed we had chosen the right location to expand our American operations.
Four years later, as we look back on the plant’s first partial year of production, we are deeply grateful for the community support that has led to our significant early success.
Hankook has hired 1,000 workers to staff its plant. We are well on our way to achieving full production capacity in Phase One of the facility. And we have built close relationships with wonderful organizations and people in the local community.
So, as 2017 comes to a close, we would like to say thanks.
Thanks to the Clarksville and Montgomery County leaders who helped guide us through our integration into this community. Montgomery County Mayor Jim Durrett and Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan have been important allies as we worked hard to build our plant and become familiar with the area. In addition, the City Council and County Commission supported us from the start and showed their commitment to driving the area’s economy forward.
Thanks to the employees who are busy making thousands of tires each day and managing operations at our plant. A great deal of training and hard work goes into making our tires, and we are deeply grateful for the skill and work ethic displayed by the men and women who work at our plant.
Thanks to our friends at Fort Campbell Military Base, Austin Peay State University and Workforce Essentials, who have helped us attract qualified workers. Our production quality is only as high as the aptitude of our employees will allow it to be. These organizations and others have introduced us to the area’s workforce and helped us recruit its best members. They are a big reason for our success.
Thanks to our partners in the local business community. We have enjoyed our membership in the Clarksville Chamber of Commerce, where we have met the men and women responsible for this area’s exciting growth. We look forward to deepening our relationships with other local industry leaders.
Finally, thanks to the residents of this community. Your welcoming spirit has made us feel at home in Clarksville. Whether you work for us, buy our tires or just read about us in the newspaper, you are an important partner as we seek to grow – and, in the process, to help grow this community.
Hankook Tire is surging forward in the American market, thanks in large part to the support we have received right here in Clarksville. As 2017 closes and 2018 begins, we are grateful for your partnership and eager to deepen the meaningful relationships we have built here.